
Friday, February 18, 2011

Farm Fresh to You

Ta-Da! So excited!
I have been looking into CSA's for a long time but it took a Groupon to get me signed up for Farm Fresh to You.  I have been very interested in gardening and eating in season but just don't have access to a garden to plant fruits and vegetables of my own.  My interest in local agriculture peaked after reading the Omnivore's Dilemma and a couple of books about Alice Waters.  When I lived on the East Coast I realized how lucky I was to be from California where most things can grow all year long.  Those long Boston winters were hard to endure as I saw tomatoes so pale they were almost white and high priced produce from far away lands.  Joining Farm Fresh to You is my way of support the local farmers and being cognizant of eating what is in season.
Cauliflower, avocados, potatoes, oranges, and lemons
Farm Fresh to You is a great service because there is a program for everyone.  They make it really easy with no commitment necessary.  There is no contract and deliveries happen as often as once a week to once every four weeks.  The size of the deliveries also vary with small, medium, and large sizes.  If you go out of town you can cancel a delivery or if you have a party you can have additional produce shipped.  You can also exclude items you don't like, but trying new fruits and vegetables is part of the fun!  Yes, it is a little bit more pricey than a regular grocery store but it is local, organic, and delivered to your doorstep.  
Nothing finer!
I ordered the regular mixed box for $31 a delivery.  I received everything pictured.  It was so easy and the produce was really fresh, even with fresh dirt on the lettuce.  If you end up with something in the box you've never cooked with before, there are plenty of recipes for the fruits and vegetables on their website.  
Lettuce, carrots, beets, collard greens, kale, cilantro
Eating well and supporting local farms means a lot to me and it's also a great opportunity to try new ingredients and learn to cook with what is in your refrigerator.   I highly recommend the service!

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